PPSR for Business

Use the PPSR Search to make better business decisions

Search the PPS Register on Revs Check Report. Find out any registered security interest on a personal property before you lend.

What is PPSR for Business?

PPSR for Business is the tool to help you assert business ownership of an asset or to make a credit decision. As a business owner, you understand the need for security in your business transactions. That is what the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) provides.

PPSR is not just for private car buyers. It is for any personal property defined in the PPS Act. This can include any personal property that is not a building, fixtures, or land. A secured interest can be registered on vehicles, crops, cattle, equipment, artwork, stocks, shares, patents, intellectual property, etc.

With the range of assets that can be registered in this national database, you should be using the PPSR search to find items or PPSR to register your secured interest.

Reduce your business risks. Use the PPSR Search for Better Business Lending Decisions

Protect your business when you register personal property transactions on the PPSR or use the PPSR search feature.

If you buy, sell, lease, or hire valuable goods, you should be using the PPSR to record these transactions or to check previous security interest before buying.

Also, if you are buying assets or property such as a used car, run a PPSR check before you spend.

Why Australian business owners should use the PPSR

If you want to make the best business lending decisions, then you should be using the PPSR.

There is no legal requirement that you must register personal assets in the PPSR. But, if you fail to register on the PPSR or use the search feature, you could be setting your business on a path to serious financial risks and liabilities.

If you don’t register an item, you could lose that asset if the client becomes insolvent. If there is no proof that you have secured interest in the asset, it can be sold to settle the other party’s debt leaving you out of pocket.

PPSR for Motor Vehicle Dealers – Build Trust & Credibility with your Customers

Motor vehicle dealers enjoy the many advantages of the PPSR. It helps them to know all the relevant details before buying or trading in a used car.

Motor dealers can run an affordable PPSR search through Revs Check Report that provides and verifies key information such as VIN validation, stolen vehicle check, write off check.

The PPSR report can also help them to build trust and credibility with customers when they can give potential buyers the official details on the car.

Run a PPSR Search

Find out if a car has security interest on the PSSR

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